March 27, 2025


Augenblick Studios

Aaron was an animation major a year ahead of me at art school. We became friends through a common admiration of Vonnegut and cross-hatching. He now heads his own animation studio in Brooklyn (of which I am now a part).

Chuck Collins

An ultra-talented illustrator/animator who shares my love for zombies and Japanese animation. Check out his awesome comics Dread Society X and Triboro Tales.


I met Cojo when I was a wily art student at SVA. Check out his crazy portfolio and join his mailing list.

Golden Age

The shocking true stories of the world's strangest cartoons. Created by Augenblick Studios and Tim Harrod for Comedy Central's Motherload, this faux-documentary series utilizes animation, live action, photography, and graphics (I worked on the backgrounds).

Greenpig New Media

This is Geoffrey Fowler's site, a former colleague from Sesame. A fellow illustration alumnus of SVA, we have much in common. His dream job entails not having to wear pants.


This is Henry Thurlow's animation portfolio site. I worked with Henry during the first season of Superjail, where he demonstrated his in-betweening prowess. A graduate of Pratt University and a fervent admirer of Japanese manga and anime, he got me hooked on 'Berserk.'

This is Takeshi and Paul's site, two former colleagues from Sesame. Rest in peace, HF.

Joy is an artist I work with at Augenblick Studios. Check out her newly redesigned portfolio website, featuring her splendid paintings and illustrations. Also check out her greeting cards website, Sugarbeet Press, where you can find one-of-a-kind cards for any occasion.

I met Sharon in my first year at SVA, back when they used to lump everyone, regardless of major, in the same group of classes. I think they segregate the majors now, which is a shame 'cause i'd have never met Sharon if that were the case ten years ago. Anyway, check out her portfolio website, which showcases her resplendent nature photography and ultra-slick photoretouching. [Unfortunately, Sharon's site is currently down, but she plans on bringing it back to life again soon! -J]

Bridget McKenna

Bridget is another friend of mine from SVA. There is a sunny, whimsical style to her artwork that I love, and you will, too. Especially check out her funkolicious creations.

Papercut Productions

Glenn Urieta is one of my cartooning buddies from SVA. He's been on the West Coast a spell, and now he's back in New York and ready for the big time. He can do anything from storyboards, to conceptual drawings, to illustration, to dark, brooding, vengeance comics like the one in our rag, Bloody Pulp Magazine (see below).

Shorties Watchin Shorties

I worked on some of the backgrounds for this cartoon on Comedy Central. The show is produced by Denis Leary's Apostle Pictures, directed by Eric Brown, and animated by Aaron Augenblick (of Augenblick Studios). Comedy Central is currently airing reruns.

Uncalledfor Productions

This site features the work of talented animator/filmmaker Edmond Hawkins III (who worked at Augenblick Studios as a production assistant on the last leg of the Shorties first season) and others.

Leigh Walls - Illustrator/Cartoonist

Leigh Walls is another one of my cartooning buddies from SVA. An excellent penciller and inker, Leigh is one of the few people I know who truly appreciates the EC aesthetic. Look for his work in our publishing venture Bloody Pulp Magazine (see below).

Wonder Showzen

This Sesame Street parody show on MTV2 features some great animation by the folks at Augenblick (including yours truly on backgrounds), along with live action and puppets. The show was created by Vernon Chatman (voice of South Park's Towelie) and John Lee, and has developed quite an underground following thanks to a release of the original pilot on the web (known as 'Kids Show'). Check it out on DVD and iTunes.

Comics & Zines

Bloody Pulp Magazine

A comic book anthology magazine I published with fellow SVA grads Glenn Urieta and Leigh Walls. Featuring horror, science fiction, crime, and war stories. Issue 1 available at Comixpress and Midtown Comics.

Checkerboard Kids

I first met Phil DeJean at a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and immortalized him in the third issue of my comic The Strange Ones.

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

These guys were the muscle behind the "Visions of Freedom" card set to which I contributed.

Circumcised at 13

My very personal comic about unrequited love and sexual awakening. Sadly, one of the most downloaded sections of this site.


A choose your own web adventure that I created for my HTML class at SVA. Note the pre-Metrocard tokens.

Abby Denson

This is my zine friend Abby's site. She was one of my early comic/zine role models. I haven't spoken to her in a while. "Get over it," she would say.

Tomer Hanuka

A fellow cartoonist for Visual Opinion magazine, I met Tomer in one of my classes at SVA. Check out his work.

I Love Bad Movies Magazine

Great publication by Kseniya Yarosh and Matt Carman.

Mimi Ilano

This is my zine friend Mimi's site. A really hyper skater chick, her comics are extremely personal.


Inhuman Swill

This is the official website of Bill Shunn, a former co-worker from Sesame. He's a great science fiction writer and former Mormon. I have nothing but fond memories of talking Harlan Ellison and ear wax with him at the lunch table.

Rob Zverina

I took over for Rob as production assistant when I first started at Sesame. He's a great photographer and writer, and it's always fun to visit his cleverly constructed site and see what's new.


Cain's Tavern

I helped design, build, and decorate this lovely new bar in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Check it out if you're ever in the neighborhood!


Dave Ratzlow

An old zine friend of mine, Dave Ratzlow has just released a CD of 'Silly Love Songs.' My favorites so far are 'Perfume' (the demo version of which is probably one of the prettiest songs ever recorded), 'Old Gray Dog,' and 'At the Zoo.' Check out the awesome Joe Versus the Volcano-ish album cover. He also came out with a cool one-off zine a long time ago called 'Get a Job,' excerpts of which will appear in the next issue of Karass. Send him some cash, you won't regret it.

Personal Homepages


This is my friend Micol's site, formerly of Army Brat Liquor, a loose-knit, ragtag bunch of Cure fans who all seemed to be wearing combat boots at around the same time (I was a card-carrying member). I just checked out her resume and portfolio for the first time in a long time. My God, she's a talented designer. I can't believe I wore her pants once.

Digital Goddess

This is the official site of Dasha Snyder, another former co-worker from Sesame. I once had the pleasure of housesitting for her and taking care of her 'babies': two adorable kitties, a small family of tropical fish, and a wise and hungry turtle, all of whom are proudly featured on her site. She is also a big fan of Xena, Warrior Princess. God bless her.

Philippines 2006

In May 2006, I travelled to the Philippines, a place I had last visited when I was 5, to see my brother Joe get married. This is my blog about my various adventures there. It's a work in progress, so check back often.


Dell Latitude XPi CD MMX Unofficial Information Center

This is a site I created to help the XPi CD user maximize his laptop experience. I no longer own an XPi, but have left the site up for anyone seeking information on this once-great laptop.


















Copyright © 2025 Jeremy Jusay