a choose your own web adventure
You enter the ferry terminal, and while you wait for the boat, you spend your quality time hanging with the winos and dodging the guano-bombing pigeons.  Finally, you enter the ferry (which just so happens to be one of the old versions of the boats -- lucky you) and go directly up to the outdoor promenade and take a seat.

Throughout the half-hour ride, you are visually bombarded with a slew of nature's awesomeness...the passing water and the seagulls that hover alongside serve to calm your already upset nerves.  Then you stare down at the floor.

"The floor is moving," you say to yourself.

After you've made sure you weren't going insane, you get off the boat and enter the uptown N,R train station.

Walking down into what is essentially the depths of hell (the escalators are broken), you stand arrogantly by the edge of the platform, looking out for the train.

When the train finally comes, you step back for fear of being pushed or getting your walkman wires caught on the modern locomotive, yanking you along the platform to your tragic death (much to your embarrassment).

Once in the train, you find that there are no seats available and you are forced to stand against the doors, a vantage point from which you are able to (joy) watch an elderly gentleman pick his nose.

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